Friday, January 23, 2009

Winter Doings

We have recently put up a bird feeder by our breakfast nook window. It took a couple of days for the Red Poles to find it but now we are burning through the bird seed. The kids love being able to see them up close and I love that I can get good pictures of one of my favorite little Minnesota birds. I always know they are Red Poles by their big red dot on the top of their heads.
A few weeks ago I took a weekend trip to visit my Mom and Dad. They don't live in my childhood home anymore, (haven't for years really) but it is still nice to visit them in their cosy old remodeled house. It has a lot of features I love, like the wood burning stove in the kitchen.

They use it for baking, cooking and heating the kitchen. There is a regular modern stove in the kitchen too so they have the choice. My dad has become the house cook in the last few years and he likes how the wood stove cooks.

Noley was loving up Tillie, my mom's Golden Retriever. She is a newer addition to the house and is still a puppy. They had fun together.

I knit up these mitts for my manager since she mentioned that she had trouble finding mittens that fit her. It was a quick knit that I improvised as I went. I think she liked them.
My sweater is coming along although lately I have not knitted on it much. just taking a little break until the knitting mojo comes back. Keep on staying warm out there and Knit on!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Late Post of the Holiday Break

Our Holidays were a mix of work (me), driving to see family, lazy days at home, quiet family time and fun.

I had to work Christmas this year which means we spend our holiday home with our kids then go to see B's family after. Our home celebration is very quiet even with 3 kids. I need to think up some more traditions for us that works into me being gone part of the time.

The kids spent their time off of school playing outside in the snow. I heard that we have gotten a record amount of snow for this time of year here.

Miss M helping Noley.

KD sitting in a nest of snow.

Of course when home and bored with everything there is the requisite fort building out of couch cushions. Miss M took this pic of the boys.

I have been doing some yarn dyeing and knitting. There are lots of new yarns in the shop. I updated it yesterday. I am knitting a sweater out of a Rebecca magazine I think it is the fall 2005 issue. It will be a long jacket like sweater. I really like how it is turning out and it feels like it is going really fast. Bulky yarn will do that to a person.

So I am back on the blogging, sorry it took so long to get this posted. I must have been enjoying my holiday break too much:)