Saturday, June 23, 2007

No Progress

So we went camping and had a blast. No pictures to post since we only brought a disposable camera which is still not brought in to be developed. We've been busy with work, helping our friends move/paint and keeping kids corralled and occupied. I am working on the baby gift for Jess and of course can't show pictures of that, but will try to work on some other projects too so that I have something to blog about.

It's summer and I tend to do less knitting, I think mostly related to how much stuff we are trying to go do. Camping is always a favorite of ours and kids have sports too. KD is going to have soccer again this year but that starts in August. Miss M is taking gymnastics and loves, loves, loves it! That is once a week on Wednesdays. The nice thing about that is you don't have to go every week if you can't make it.

I'm looking to do something special for BDiddy for our anniversary in August since its 10 years. Any ideas? I'm looking to really surprise him.

Enjoy the summer! I'll blog when I can.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


We are off to the BWCAW this weekend with friends. No kids!! Yay! I am looking forward to it and will be sneaking a small knitting project along somehow. Took a quick trip to the Cities today to drop off kids then a stop to get a big pack for camping and I'm back to pack. I can't decide what project to sneak into my pack though. Maybe a hat project for BDiddy? Baby hat? Socks to try get them done? So many choices so little time:(

Have a great weekend all! I'll not be thinking of anything involving feeding, dressing or breaking up fighting kids this weekend. Just campfires, fishing, stars and mosquitoes.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Not much time (It's Summer!!)

Knitting has been going gangbusters in my mind but not so much in real life. Too busy with outside projects and kid stuff to get all that I want to get done.

There is a BIG mess going on here with yarn pulled out for ideas, samples being knitted up. My best friend is adopting soon so I am looking for the ideal project. I think I found it. Since I know she reads the blog though, I can't post it. I will post when the project is finished and I give it to her. We are all in a tizzy around here with the news of the baby coming soon. I have also swatched the Asymmetrical Sweater by Norah Gaughan. Using the Malibrigo in Vaa I got for this project. I wish other projects weren't getting in the way of that one. I'm continuing with the Robin Hood Jacket and the socks I'm making too. They are making progress but it's not exciting to look at them right now.
Here is what BDiddy brought back from his trip for me. Diet Coke from Canada:) He says, "Try it it tastes different." I had to agree there is a bit of a difference in taste. I can't quite put my finger on it. AHHH! Delicious!
Happy knitting everyone!

Monday, June 4, 2007


Is there a point in anyone's life when you suddenly feel like things are just right? I think there must be times for everyone like this, too bad they are so few and far between. Lately I have been thinking about my life and how much I have to be thankful for. I have a great husband who helps with the kids and housework, beautiful, smart children who are nice to be around (most of the time) and a job I like. My life is fulfilling in a way I never imagined when I was younger. I'm not sure what I was envisioning for my future as a teen. If I was dreaming of anything it was of being independent of my parents. What teen doesn't dream of that right?

I only hope I am a good wife, mother and friend to all I know, but some days its hard to know. Am I doing a good job? Are my kids becoming the kind of people I want them to be? Am I good at my job? Do people like me? I hope I am not alone in these thoughts and feelings. We all have our problems in life, as well as trivial issues with other people, but for the most part now is a good time in my life. I am happy to be where I am right now. When life gets busy and stressful with too many tasks or demands on my time, I try to remember how good things are in my life.

I am missing B as he is gone fishing for a few days. I hope he comes back rested and relaxed from his trip. He seems to need a little R&R once in a while to recharge. Some times people make comments about his going fishing a lot but I know we are all happier when he can go do that. Summer vacation is next week and KD is really ready to be done. Miss M is already done so she has been enjoying not having to get up early to go to school. Noley is growing and talking a lot lately. I asked him if he was thirsty tonight and he said, "Yeah!" clear as day. So you see, I have nothing to complain about. Don't worry this won't last I will have complaints again soon but for now, Life is good.

Go hug your family. I'm off to hug mine.