Once in a while a project comes along and just speaks to you. This was one of them. I saw the pattern on Ravelry and instantly thought, Brita!
My middle sister has had a rough couple of years but this last year has I think been one of her best, she got married to a great guy finished school and worked in Alaska for the Forest Service.
The pattern is Drifted Pearls and you can find it on Ravelry. I thought the pattern was pretty well written but I did need to go down many needle sizes to get the look I wanted and it stated you needed 2 sizes of needles but not when to switch to the other size ( just used one size). Other than that not bad. I love the yarn I used which was British Mohair, Mohair Silk in granite. I got it from DBNY.com which if you don't want your stash to grow huge do NOT get on their mailing list!
I think Brita loved it, she wore it all day after I gave it to her:)
Hope you had a Happy Holiday!